From Product to Profit!

The self study course for Inventors, who want to turn that GREAT IDEA into a PROFITABLE PRODUCT!


Got a Crazy Idea for a Product?

Confused about What to do Next?

We can Help! Let's get Started!

There are NO Million Dollar Ideas, just Million Dollar executions…

That’s right. But it can all seem very overwhelming!

Having a great idea is just the start. First you have to make sure that your idea works. Then you have to design it professionally, then get it into production, then market it……it can seem a very long time before you make any money! When we first started inventing productions we felt like this………

Worried about Copy Cats

In a Pickle about Prototyping

Stressed About Selling

In a Blind Panic about the Business Stuff!


Then You’re In the Right Place!

Product to Profit..

Is an online course designed specifically for designers, creators, INVENTORS, people like YOU, who have a great idea for a product, but are just not sure where to start!

Product to Profit will guide you through the FOUR phases of a SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT BUSINESS

  • The FOUNDATION – Research and preparation – will your idea be marketable? Is it unique? Do you need a patent?
  • The DEVELOPMENT – All products need to go through the PROTOTYPING phase, before you can set up PRODUCTION.
  • Getting your Product to MARKET – Launching your product, creating a MARKETING plan, establishing your BRAND
  • Building the BUSINESS – business processes, building a TEAM, adding to your product PORTFOLIO.

We want your business to Soar!

What You Will Get

All Delivered by downloadable Videos, PDF's and Audio files.

And The Bonuses.................


Need More Info? Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I start any time?

Yes, you can start any time you want, and take as much time as you need. You”ll have lifetime access to the materials, they are all downloadable as well. You’ll also have lifetime access to the face book group too.

Do I need to download any software?

No. An access code to the materials will be emailed to you when you start.

Does it matter what my product is?

No, not at all. The course is all about the process of getting any product ready to sell, and building a business. It applies to any product.

Can you help me patent or sell my idea?

No. We are not qualified to give legal advice about specific ideas / products, and we don’t sell inventor’s ideas on their behalf.

What's your refund policy?

The cost of the course is payable in full, and non- refundable. At under $100, it’s a great deal, packed full of resources. However, we want you to be happy, so we will talk to you about specific concerns on a one to one basis.

Ready to Start?

If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime,

Chaos is order yet undeciphered……