by | Aug 12, 2015 | Customer Service, Economy, Inventors, Production, Quality
You would be crazy to start a business now! Haven’t you heard? China has devalued their currency, the oil prices have plunged, the world economy is in the tank! Who on earth would start a business now? If that’s what you are thinking, as you tear up...
by | Apr 8, 2015 | Competition, Customer Service, Ideal Customer, Pricing
Hmm, seems a bit extreme doesn’t it? After all, isn’t there plenty of room for us all in the market place? Whatever our service or our product? Do we really need to “crush” the competition, “grind them into the ground” or...
by | Mar 23, 2015 | Customer Service, Ideal Customer, Marketing
The most effective and powerful marketing tool that you will ever have at your disposal, is a referral. An endorsement from someone who has experienced your product and your company, and LOVES both, and is prepared to shout it from the hilltops...
by | Mar 4, 2015 | Customer Service, Ideal Customer, Marketing
It’s a sad fact, but many of us are terrified of our customers. I’ll say that again – many of us are terrified to make contact with our customers, it’s like they are aliens visiting from outer space – a species to be feared and...
by | Feb 20, 2015 | Customer Service, Ideal Customer, Production
We didn’t have to wait for Halloween this year for our first horror story. This is a classic. My husband Bob has been driving back from Arizona . He delivered one of our products to a customer, installed it and is now nearing the last phase of a 36 hour...